
Hi! I'm Rosa Zubizarreta

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New Year's Musings

New Year's Musings • January 2024 The Listening Arts e-newsletter Happy New Year! Wishing a safe and meaningful year, for you and your family... It’s been six months since my last newsletter... how time flies! I'll start with a bit of an update, followed by some thoughts about how we might support one another in responding to the challenging times we are in. Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay While people tend to knock “preaching to the choir” (and I'm not really into preaching to anyone!)...

The Listening Arts e•newsletter Issue #2 July 14, 2023 Happy Summer! I hope this finds you well, and enjoying the season, in whatever form that is taking for you... Life has been quite full on my end, so at present, this newsletter is turning out to be a quarterly phenomenon. Here are some tidbits, for your summer reading pleasure.... Last time, I organized that inaugural newsletter issue into four different sections: Deep Listening, starting within Deep listening in organizations Deep...

Hello! I just sent out my April newsletter, and realized I have one more thing to share... I'm super honored to be presenting online on April 26,as a guest of Bowling Green State University's doctoral program on Organization Development and Change. I'll be talking about Dynamic Facilitation, a way to help peoplelisten deeply to one another and get creative together... and how it's been used in Austriato facilitate Citizens' Councils, a smaller version of a Citizens' Assembly. Here's the link...

Issue #1 The Listening Arts E•Newsletter April 9, 2023 Happy Easter, happy Passover, happy rebirth of Springtime… Lots of turmoil and busy-ness in my life at the moment, preparing for upcoming transitions this fall… serious de-cluttering in anticipation of finding a housemate. I plan to be away for the upcoming academic year, as a visiting fellow in Cambridge, MA…. In the midst of all that, there are some very interesting events coming up soon, on April 12 and April 19, that I wanted you to...